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Emerging Leader: Jonathan Mimy-Matthews

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Jonathan Mimy-Matthews

ELU Scholarship Recipient Spotlight

In 2022, Jonathan Mimy-Matthews was a graduating senior in the dual enrollment program at Shaw High School. During the college application process, Jonathan learned of the Emerging Leaders United (ELU) scholarship through United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley.

United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley’s Emerging Leaders group awards an annual scholarship to a graduating high school senior within a ten-county service area, making a lasting impact on students and their families. Jonathan submitted an application and was invited to interview with ELU, where we had the opportunity to learn more about them and their educational goals.

In addition to maintaining both high school and college course loads, Jonathan managed an administrative internship at Shaw, completed an Eagle Scout Service project, and demonstrated their commitment to our community through various volunteer service projects.

During their high school graduation practice, Jonathan was surprised by a personal visit from United Way to learn that they were selected to receive the ELU scholarship to help with tuition, textbooks, or any other university-related expenses.

“The scholarship was helpful, financially, but everyone at United Way has stayed connected with me and was available to help me through an already stressful admissions process,” Jonathan says. “Haley continues to call me sometimes just to check in.” 

Jonathan attributes the ELU scholarship and their connections to United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley for a successful university admissions and onboarding process.

Today, Jonathan studies political science at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia, where there is a connection to history, culture, and community that inspires them to learn more.

“I still have a personal relationship with United Way, and having that connection has truly helped me get adjusted to college. Especially when people are from where you’re from and you know that they’re supporting you.” 

Emerging Leaders are an inspiring group of young people under the age of 40 who each make annual contributions of $365 or more to their community through United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. Together, we inspire and support one another to make meaningful change in the Chattahoochee Valley.

Learn more at unitedcv.org/elu.

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