United Way’s network of partners addresses food insecurity, helps individuals recover from trauma, and ensures access to physical and mental health care services and supports.
Our 211 strategy helps remove barriers to accessing resources for individuals and families by providing the most robust community resource directory in the Chattahoochee Valley. 211 can help you find the assistance you need, delivered by people who care. 211 has helped more than 25,000 people get connected to essential services.
Over 58% of Georgia residents reported experiencing at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) during childhood. ACEs encompass a range of traumatic experiences that occur during childhood and have strong correlations to poor outcomes later in life. Resilient Chattahoochee Valley seeks to improve outcomes for children 0-16 by educating our community on some of the everyday challenges that exist for children and aligning community efforts to enable our community to become trauma-informed.