United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley kicked off its annual fundraising campaign on Tuesday, September 13th at the Columbus Convention & Trade Center. Approximately 700 people were present at United Way’s biggest event of the year. WC Bradley Company is this year’s Premiere Event Sponsor. This year’s event was a game show focused on their strategies and work in the community.
“We are excited to kick off this year’s United Way Campaign because we know that together, we will create a thriving, equitable community. United Way is here to partner, collaborate, and create meaningful change that benefits every person in the Chattahoochee Valley,” said Ben Moser, President and CEO of United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley. He added, “United Way’s collective work is only possible through the compassion and generosity of our community members. We ask that everyone get involved and invest – we are UNITED FOR a resilient, strong, and supported community for all!”
The event opened with United Way’s campaign video. The lights came on and Dave Arwood welcomed everyone to The United Way Show! Ben Moser was the host. Contestants called to “Come on Down” were Erica Walker (United Way Board Member), Troy Jackson, Dr. Jake Golden, Cyle Mimms, and Pace Halter.

This year’s United Way Campaign Chair is Pace Halter, President and COO of W.C. Bradley Co. Real Estate. Pace leads by example in his use of time, treasure, and talent to benefit United Way and those we serve. “United Way is a leader in the community at bringing people together, focusing efforts and driving change for the better – and I am proud to be part of that movement.” he said. “Residents in our community and the region are faced with ongoing challenges and my hope is that by coming together we can create a strong, thriving community for everyone who lives, works and plays in the Chattahoochee Valley. Now is the time to invest in our community” he added.
Ben asked contestants a series of questions regarding United Way’s strategies. Some contestants hit the mark, and some heard the buzzer. After each question, the stage went dark, and Ben explained the important work the strategy focuses on in our community. United Way’s 5 strategies are Community Investment, Community Schools United, Poverty Reduction, Home for Good, and 211.
Following the Strategy Showdown game, contestants with golden tickets were called up for a special game of Plinko! Then Pace and Ben cheered on the Yodeler as he climbed to announce this year’s goal of $7.5 million dollars!
Funds raised during the campaign are invested in local programs by volunteers. The programs must meet a need in one of United Way’s three core areas of Economic Mobility, Educational Equity, and Health Access, demonstrate results, and show good stewardship of the community’s monies.