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National and State Update-Ben Moser
Ben gave the following updates for Day 57 of the National Emergency over the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 from national, state and local news sources:
- U.S. jobs report to offer clearest data yet on economic toll. Even by the standards of the pandemic, today’s report on employment in the U.S. will be staggering. Economist expect the unemployment rate to reach 16%, the worst since the Great Depression
- From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of May 7 over 1.2 million COVID-19 infections in the U.S. with over 73,000 Americans having lost their lives to the virus
- When the federal government relaunched its small business aide program on April 27 with an additional $310 billion dollars, lenders and business advocates warned the money would dry up in a few days, near two weeks later more than 40% of the money remains available according to figures released Thursday by the Small Business Administration. Several factors appear to be behind the cooling demand
- In Georgia, hundreds of Georgia long-term care workers have the virus. Over 4,100 nursing home and assisted living residents have been infected and more than 650 have died but front-line care givers are also getting battered putting some facilities in crisis mode as they struggle to stay fully staffed. The states count of infected long-term care workers has more than doubled since mid-April, reaching over 1,800 as of Thursday
- In Alabama, reminder for COVID-19 resources for businesses and individuals, please visit altogetheralabama.org
Columbus Area Updates
Columbus Consolidated Government Update-Mayor Skip Henderson
Mayor Henderson gave the following updates:
- The numbers are going up in small increments; as of 9:00am there are 355 cases in Muscogee County with a total of 12 deaths
- Continuing to monitor the trends especially with the reopening of the economy in Georgia; so far, our trends have not changed very much
- Hospitalization rate is still stable; resources are in good supply
- Will have more information next week concerning the Governors order that is set to expire next week as to whether it will continue, expire or be substituted
- Plans to reopen some of the Columbus Consolidated Government facilities on May 18; they will have a detailed list the first of next week
- They are getting lots of calls about marriage license and gun license; Probate Judge will begin accepting phone calls and scheduling appointments on May 14; will begin to see people by appointment on May 18
Columbus Area Vulnerable Population Update
Home for Good Update-Pat Frey
Pat gave the following updates:
- Received a memo yesterday from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with additional direction and clarification for the waivers that are available for the coronavirus response. This information was sent to service providers on yesterday and will be included in the weekly update today https://mailchi.mp/hudexchange/esg-hopwa-waiver-memo-and-idis-instructions-for-submitting-a-substantial-amendment-for-cdbg-cv-esg-cv-and-hopwa-cv-grants?e=e4eff5ec8d
- Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) COVID-19 Office Hours WebEx meeting today, May 8, 2020, 2:30pm https://abtassociates.webex.com/abtassociates/onstage/g.php?MTID=ea1f4961239e0001582528d254639b828
Department of Public Health (Columbus Health Department) Update-Natalie Man
Natalie gave the following updates:
- There are 1,549 cases in the 16-county health district; there are 355 cases in Muscogee County
- Not much has changed since Monday’s report on the trends and the cases seem to be leveling off; however, there is some lag in getting results back; five to seven business days
- Reminder: This Saturday, May 9, 2020 there will be no testing at the Columbus Health Department, instead testing will take place at Shirley B. Winston Park at 5025 Steam Mill Road from 9:00am until 12:00noon; testing is free
- Anyone who is sick and would like to get tested would come to the site and a nurse would triage
Muscogee County School District Update-Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis gave the following updates:
- Final day for students to drop off written work for evaluation and final grades
- Starting next Wednesday, May 13 through Friday, May 22 they will begin a very controlled process of allowing students to return school property and pick up personal effects; information will be sent out to parents concerning the process; all Principals, Assistant Principals and school secretaries will return to the schools on next Monday to prepare for this process
Coronavirus Response Fund (Crisis Fund Update-Betsy Covington
Betsy gave the following updates:
- They are beginning next week’s cycle of grant making from the fund
- Reminder to non-profits that are seeing needs due to the coronavirus as it affects their work with vulnerable populations in our community to go to cfcv.com/coronavirus and start the process of apply for grants from the fund
- Seeing lots of needs and seeing lots of generosity in our community
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